Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: liability

1. liability (om tilstand) the state of being legally obliged and responsible

Mindre specifikke termersusceptibility, susceptibleness

Mere specifikke termerratability, rateability, taxability

2. liability (om tilstand) an obligation to pay money to another party

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)financial obligation, indebtedness

Mindre specifikke termerobligation

Mere specifikke termeraccount payable, arrears, debt, limited liability, payable, scot and lot

3. liability (om egenskab) the quality of being something that holds you back

Mindre specifikke termerbad, badness

Mere specifikke termerdisadvantage, weak point

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)asset, plus

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