Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: stimulation

1. stimulation (om handling) the act of arousing an organism to action

Mindre specifikke termerarousal, rousing

Mere specifikke termergalvanisation, galvanization

2. stimulation (om erkendelse) any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)input, stimulant, stimulus

Mindre specifikke termerinformation

Mere specifikke termerconditioned stimulus, cue, discriminative stimulus, elicitation, evocation, induction, kick, negative stimulation, negative stimulus, positive stimulus, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing stimulus, turn-on, turnoff

3. stimulation (om proces) (physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.)

Mindre specifikke termeraction, activity, natural action, natural process

Mere specifikke termeractivation, galvanisation, galvanization

Overordnet emneområdephysiology

4. stimulation (om handling) mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)arousal, foreplay

Mindre specifikke termersex, sex activity, sexual activity, sexual practice

Mere specifikke termercaressing, cuddling, feel, fondling, hugging, kissing, necking, petting, smooching, snuggling

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