Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: approximation

1. approximation (om erkjendelse) an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningAn estimate of what it would cost.
A rough idea how long it would take.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)estimate, estimation, idea

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkcalculation, computation, figuring, reckoning

Mere spesifikke uttrykkcredit, credit rating, dead reckoning, guess, guessing, guesstimate, guesswork, guestimate, overestimate, overestimation, overrating, overreckoning, scalage, shot, underestimate, underestimation, underrating, underreckoning

2. approximation (om egenskap) the quality of coming near to identity (especially close in quantity)

Mindre spesifikke uttrykksimilarity

3. approximation (om kommunikasjon) an imprecise or incomplete account

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningNewspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkversion

4. approximation (om handling) the act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissue

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)bringing close together

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkconnection, connexion, joining

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