Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: simple fraction

1. simple fraction (om mengde eller mål) the quotient of two integers

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)common fraction

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkfraction

Mere spesifikke uttrykkbillionth, duodecimal, eighth, fifth, fifth part, fourth, fourth part, half, hundredth, millionth, ninth, one percent, one-billionth, one-eighth, one-fifth, one-fourth, one-half, one-hundred-millionth, one-hundred-thousandth, one-hundredth, one-millionth, one-ninth, one-quadrillionth, one-quarter, one-quintillionth, one-seventh, one-sixteenth, one-sixth, one-sixtieth, one-sixty-fourth, one-ten-thousandth, one-tenth, one-third, one-thirty-second, one-thousandth, one-trillionth, one-twelfth, quadrillionth, quarter, quartern, quintillionth, seventh, sixteenth, sixteenth part, sixth, sixtieth, sixty-fourth, ten percent, ten-thousandth, tenth, tenth part, third, thirty-second, thirty-second part, thousandth, three-fourths, three-quarters, tierce, trillionth, twelfth, twelfth part, twenty percent, twenty-five percent, two-thirds

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