Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk adjektiv: deductible

1. deductible acceptable as a deduction (especially as a tax deduction)

Uttrykk med lignende betydningallowable

Overordnet kategorirevenue enhancement, tax, taxation

Uttrykk med motsatt betydning (antonymer)nondeductible

Engelsk substantiv: deductible

1. deductible (om forhold) (taxes) an amount that can be deducted (especially for the purposes of calculating income tax)

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkamount, amount of money, sum, sum of money

Overordnet kategorirevenue enhancement, tax, taxation

2. deductible (om kommunikasjon) a clause in an insurance policy that relieves the insurer of responsibility to pay the initial loss up to a stated amount

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkarticle, clause

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