Engelsk substantiv: Hanseatic League |
1. | Hanseatic League (om gruppe) a commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas; formed in 1241 and most influential in the 14th century when it included over 100 towns and functioned as an independent political power; the last official assembly was held in 1669 |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | confederacy, confederation, federation |
| Tilhører disse spesifikke uttrykkene | Bergen, Bremen, Bruges, capital of Latvia, City of Bridges, Cologne, Danzig, Dortmund, Gdansk, Halle, Halle-an-der-Saale, Hamburg, Hannover, Hanover, Klaipeda, Koln, Lubeck, Memel, Riga, Rostock, Tartu |