Engelsk ordbok

Tips: Asterisk/stjerne (*) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Stjernen erstatter null eller flere tegn.

Engelsk substantiv: Hanseatic League

1. Hanseatic League (om gruppe) a commercial and defensive confederation of free cities in northern Germany and surrounding areas; formed in 1241 and most influential in the 14th century when it included over 100 towns and functioned as an independent political power; the last official assembly was held in 1669

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkconfederacy, confederation, federation

Tilhører disse spesifikke uttrykkeneBergen, Bremen, Bruges, capital of Latvia, City of Bridges, Cologne, Danzig, Dortmund, Gdansk, Halle, Halle-an-der-Saale, Hamburg, Hannover, Hanover, Klaipeda, Koln, Lubeck, Memel, Riga, Rostock, Tartu

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