English dictionary

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English adjective: unacceptable

1. unacceptable not adequate to give satisfaction

SamplesThe coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable.



2. unacceptable not acceptable; not welcome

SamplesA word unacceptable in polite society.
An unacceptable violation of personal freedom.

Similarexceptionable, objectionable

See alsounsatisfactory, unwelcome


3. unacceptable used of persons or their behavior

SamplesImpossible behavior.
Insufferable insolence.

Synonymsimpossible, insufferable, unsufferable

Similarintolerable, unbearable, unendurable


4. unacceptable not conforming to standard usage

SamplesThe following use of `access' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'.



Domain categorylinguistics

Antonymsreceived, standard

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