English dictionary

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English verb: summon

1. summon (communication) call in an official matter, such as to attend court

Synonymscite, summons

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody.
Somebody ----s somebody PP

Broader (hypernym)call, send for

Narrower (hyponym)demand, vouch

2. summon (communication) ask to come

SamplesSummon a lawyer.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s somebody.
Something ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)call, send for

Narrower (hyponym)beckon, buzz, convene, convoke, page

3. summon (contact) gather or bring together

SamplesMuster the courage to do something.
She rallied her intellect.
Summon all your courage.

Synonymscome up, muster, muster up, rally

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)collect, garner, gather, pull together

4. summon (change) make ready for action or use

SamplesMarshal resources.

Synonymsmarshal, mobilise, mobilize

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)collect, garner, gather, pull together

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