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English noun: Gregory

1. Gregory (person) (Roman Catholic Church) a church father known for his constant fight against perceived heresies; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-391)

SynonymsGregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nazianzen

Instance hypernymChurch Father, Doctor, Doctor of the Church, Father, Father of the Church, saint, theologian, theologiser, theologist, theologizer

Domain categoryChurch of Rome, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Church, Western Church

2. Gregory (person) Italian pope from 1831 to 1846; conservative in politics and theology; worked to propagate Catholicism in England and the United States (1765-1846)

SynonymsBartolomeo Alberto Capillari, Gregory XVI

Instance hypernymBishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, Vicar of Christ

3. Gregory (person) the pope who sponsored the introduction of the modern calendar (1572-1585)

SynonymsGregory XIII, Ugo Buoncompagni

Instance hypernymBishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, Vicar of Christ

4. Gregory (person) the Italian pope from 1406 to 1415 who worked to end the Great Schism and who retired to make it possible (1327-1417)

SynonymsAngelo Correr, Gregory XII

Instance hypernymBishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, Vicar of Christ

5. Gregory (person) the Italian pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Roman Catholic Church and the supremacy of the church over the state (1020-1085)

SynonymsGregory VII, Hildebrand

Instance hypernymBishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, Vicar of Christ

6. Gregory (person) (Roman Catholic Church) an Italian pope distinguished for his spiritual and temporal leadership; a saint and Doctor of the Church (540?-604)

SynonymsGregory I, Gregory the Great, Saint Gregory I, St. Gregory I

Instance hypernymBishop of Rome, Catholic Pope, Doctor, Doctor of the Church, Holy Father, pontiff, pope, Roman Catholic Pope, saint, Vicar of Christ

Domain categoryChurch of Rome, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Church, Western Church

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