English dictionary

Hint: Question mark (?) is a wildcard. Question mark substitutes one character.

English noun: res publica

1. res publica (group) a politically organized body of people under a single government

SamplesThe state has elected a new president.
African nations.
Students who had come to the nation's capitol.
The country's largest manufacturer.
An industrialized land.

Synonymsbody politic, commonwealth, country, land, nation, state

Broader (hypernym)political entity, political unit

Narrower (hyponym)ally, city state, city-state, commonwealth country, developing country, Dominion, foreign country, great power, major power, power, Reich, renegade state, rogue nation, rogue state, sea power, superpower, suzerain, world power

Instance hyponymEelam, Tamil Eelam

Part holonymestate, estate of the realm, the three estates

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