English dictionary

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English noun: eld

1. eld (time) a late time of life

SamplesOld age is not for sissies.
He's showing his years.
Age hasn't slowed him down at all.
A beard white with eld.
On the brink of geezerhood.

Synonymsage, geezerhood, old age, years

Broader (hypernym)time of life

Narrower (hyponym)dotage, second childhood, senility

Part holonymeighties, mid-eighties, mid-nineties, mid-seventies, mid-sixties, nineties, seventies, sixties

2. eld (time) a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises

SamplesShe was now of school age.
Tall for his eld.


Broader (hypernym)time of life

Narrower (hyponym)age of consent, drinking age, legal age, majority, minority, nonage, voting age

Part meronymlife, life-time, lifespan, lifetime

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