English dictionary

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English noun: spiraea

1. spiraea (plant) a Japanese shrub that resembles members of the genus Spiraea; widely cultivated in many varieties for its dense panicles of flowers in many colors; often forced by florists for Easter blooming

SynonymsAstilbe japonica, spirea

Broader (hypernym)astilbe

2. spiraea (plant) any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small white or pink flowers


Broader (hypernym)bush, shrub

Narrower (hyponym)bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Saint Peter's wreath, Spiraea prunifolia, St. Peter's wreath

Member meronymgenus Spiraea, Spiraea

3. Spiraea (plant) a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae

Synonymsgenus Spiraea

Broader (hypernym)rosid dicot genus

Member holonymspiraea, spirea

Member meronymfamily Rosaceae, Rosaceae, rose family

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