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English noun: star grass

1. star grass (plant) any of several perennials of the genus Aletris having grasslike leaves and bitter roots reputed to cure colic

Synonymscolic root, colicroot, crow corn, unicorn root

Broader (hypernym)liliaceous plant

Narrower (hyponym)ague grass, ague root, Aletris aurea, Aletris farinosa, yellow colicroot

Member meronymAletris, genus Aletris

2. star grass (plant) any plant of the genus Hypoxis having long grasslike leaves and yellow star-shaped flowers: Africa; Australia; southern Asia; North America

Broader (hypernym)cormous plant

Narrower (hyponym)American star grass, Hypoxis hirsuta

Member meronymgenus Hypoxis, Hypoxis

3. star grass (plant) trailing grass native to Europe now cosmopolitan in warm regions; used for lawns and pastures especially in southern United States and India

SynonymsBahama grass, Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon, devil grass, doob, kweek, scutch grass

Broader (hypernym)grass

Member meronymCynodon, genus Cynodon

4. star grass (plant) perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill

SynonymsChloris truncata, creeping windmill grass, windmill grass

Broader (hypernym)finger grass

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