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English noun: bowstring hemp

1. bowstring hemp (substance) hemp obtained from the sansevieria

Broader (hypernym)hemp

2. bowstring hemp (plant) strong fiber that resembles hemp; obtained from sansevieria and used for e.g. cordage

Broader (hypernym)natural fiber, natural fibre

Substance meronymbowstring hemp, sansevieria

3. bowstring hemp (plant) grown as a houseplant for its mottled fleshy sword-shaped leaves or as a source of fiber


Broader (hypernym)agave, American aloe, century plant

Narrower (hyponym)African bowstring hemp, African hemp, Ceylon bowstring hemp, mother-in-law's tongue, Sansevieria guineensis, Sansevieria trifasciata, Sansevieria zeylanica, snake plant

Member meronymgenus Sansevieria

Substance holonymbowstring hemp

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