English dictionary

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English noun: requirement

1. requirement (cognition) required activity

SamplesThe requirements of his work affected his health.
There were many demands on his time.


Broader (hypernym)duty, obligation, responsibility

2. requirement (object) anything indispensable

SamplesFood and shelter are necessities of life.
The essentials of the good life.
Allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions.
A place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained.

Synonymsessential, necessary, necessity, requisite

Broader (hypernym)thing

Narrower (hyponym)desideratum, must, need, want

Antonymsinessential, nonessential

3. requirement (cognition) something that is required in advance

SamplesLatin was a prerequisite for admission.


Broader (hypernym)duty, obligation, responsibility

Narrower (hyponym)academic requirement, essential condition, precondition, sine qua non

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