English dictionary

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English noun: embayment

1. embayment (object) an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf


Broader (hypernym)body of water, water

Narrower (hyponym)bight, Guantanamo Bay

Instance hyponymAbukir, Abukir Bay, Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal, Bay of Biscay, Bay of Fundy, Bay of Naples, Biscayne Bay, Bo Hai, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, Galveston Bay, Galway Bay, Hangzhou Bay, James Bay, Korea Bay, Massachusetts Bay, Minamata Bay, Mobile Bay, Monterey Bay, Moreton Bay, Narragansett Bay, New York Bay, Osaka Bay, Penobscot Bay, Po Hai, Prudhoe Bay, San Diego Bay, San Francisco Bay, Sea of Azof, Sea of Azoff, Sea of Azov, Tampa Bay

Part meronymsea

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