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English noun: ground squirrel

1. ground squirrel (animal) small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches

Synonymseastern chipmunk, hackee, striped squirrel, Tamias striatus

Broader (hypernym)squirrel

Member meronymgenus Tamias, Tamias

2. ground squirrel (animal) any of various terrestrial burrowing rodents of Old and New Worlds; often destroy crops

Synonymsgopher, spermophile

Broader (hypernym)squirrel

Narrower (hyponym)antelope chipmunk, antelope squirrel, Arctic ground squirrel, Citellus citellus, Citellus lateralis, Citellus leucurus, Citellus parryi, Citellus richardsoni, Citellus variegatus, flickertail, mantled ground squirrel, parka squirrel, Richardson ground squirrel, rock squirrel, souslik, suslik, whitetail antelope squirrel

Member meronymCitellus, genus Citellus, genus Spermophilus, Spermophilus

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