English dictionary

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English noun: stinker

1. stinker (person) a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible

SamplesOnly a rotter would do that.
Kill the rat.
Throw the bum out.
You cowardly little pukes!.
The British call a contemptible person a `git'.

Synonymsbum, crumb, dirty dog, git, lowlife, puke, rat, rotter, scum bag, skunk, so-and-so, stinkpot

Broader (hypernym)disagreeable person, unpleasant person

2. stinker (artifact) anything that gives off an offensive odor (especially a cheap cigar)

Broader (hypernym)thing

3. stinker (artifact) an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory


Broader (hypernym)artefact, artifact

Domain usagecolloquialism

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