English dictionary

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English noun: horseradish

1. horseradish (plant) the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning

Synonymshorseradish root

Broader (hypernym)root

Part meronymArmoracia rusticana, horse radish, horseradish, red cole

Substance holonymhorseradish, isothiocyanate

2. horseradish (plant) coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root

SynonymsArmoracia rusticana, horse radish, red cole

Broader (hypernym)herb, herbaceous plant

Part holonymhorseradish, horseradish root

Member meronymArmoracia, genus Armoracia

3. horseradish (food) grated horseradish root

Broader (hypernym)condiment

Substance meronymhorseradish, horseradish root, horseradish sauce, sauce Albert

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