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English noun: conveyance

1. conveyance (communication) document effecting a property transfer

Broader (hypernym)instrument, legal document, legal instrument, official document

Narrower (hyponym)quitclaim, quitclaim deed

Domain categoryjurisprudence, law

2. conveyance (communication) the transmission of information

Synonymsimpartation, imparting

Broader (hypernym)transmission

Narrower (hyponym)giving

3. conveyance (artifact) something that serves as a means of transportation


Broader (hypernym)instrumentality, instrumentation

Narrower (hyponym)aerial tramway, cable tramway, cargo ships, dolly, dolly, horsebox, lift, litter, mail, merchant marine, merchant vessels, public transport, roll-on roll-off, ropeway, shipping, sidecar, ski lift, ski tow, telfer, telpher, trailer, tram, tramway, vehicle

4. conveyance (act) act of transferring property title from one person to another

Synonymsconveyance of title, conveyancing, conveying

Broader (hypernym)transfer, transference

Narrower (hyponym)delivery, legal transfer, livery

5. conveyance (act) the act of moving something from one location to another

Synonymstransfer, transferral, transport, transportation

Broader (hypernym)movement

Narrower (hyponym)airlift, bringing, carry, connection, connexion, delivery, drive, lift, lighterage, relocation, resettlement, teleportation, transshipment

Part holonympickup

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