English dictionary

Info: This web site is based on WordNet 3.0 from Princeton University.

English noun: audio

1. audio (communication) the audible part of a transmitted signal

SamplesThey always raise the audio for commercials.


Broader (hypernym)auditory communication

Part meronymtelecasting, television, TV, video

2. audio (attribute) an audible acoustic wave frequency

Synonymsaudio frequency

Broader (hypernym)frequence, frequency, oftenness

3. audio (artifact) a recording of acoustic signals

Synonymsaudio recording, sound recording

Broader (hypernym)recording

Narrower (hyponym)audiotape, disc, disk, phonograph record, phonograph recording, platter, record, soundtrack, talking book

4. audio (artifact) the sound elements of television

Broader (hypernym)component, constituent, element

Part meronymtelevision, television system

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