English dictionary

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English noun: sensation

1. sensation (cognition) an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation

SamplesA sensation of touch.

Synonymsaesthesis, esthesis, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression

Broader (hypernym)perception

Narrower (hyponym)auditory sensation, gustatory perception, gustatory sensation, limen, masking, odor, odour, olfactory perception, olfactory sensation, smell, sound, synaesthesia, synesthesia, taste, taste perception, taste sensation, threshold, vision, visual sensation

2. sensation (person) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

Synonymsace, adept, champion, genius, hotshot, maven, mavin, star, superstar, virtuoso, whiz, whizz, wiz, wizard

Broader (hypernym)expert

Narrower (hyponym)track star

3. sensation (feeling) a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest

SamplesAnticipation produced in me a sensation somewhere between hope and fear.

Broader (hypernym)stir

4. sensation (state) a state of widespread public excitement and interest

SamplesThe news caused a sensation.

Broader (hypernym)excitation, excitement, fervor, fervour, inflammation

5. sensation (cognition) the faculty through which the external world is apprehended

SamplesIn the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing.

Synonymssense, sensory faculty, sentience, sentiency

Broader (hypernym)faculty, mental faculty, module

Narrower (hyponym)modality, sense modality, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensory system

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