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English noun: alder

1. alder (plant) wood of any of various alder trees; resistant to underwater rot; used for bridges etc

Broader (hypernym)wood

Substance meronymalder, alder tree

2. alder (plant) north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant

Synonymsalder tree

Broader (hypernym)tree

Narrower (hyponym)Alnus crispa, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incana, Alnus maritima, Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus rubra, Alnus rugosa, Alnus serrulata, Alnus veridis, Alnus veridis crispa, Alnus vulgaris, common alder, European black alder, gray alder, green alder, green alder, grey alder, hazel alder, mountain alder, Oregon alder, red alder, seaside alder, smooth alder, speckled alder, white alder

Member meronymAlnus, genus Alnus

Substance holonymalder

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