English dictionary

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English verb: come about

1. come about (change) come to pass

SamplesWhat is happening?.
The meeting took place off without an incidence.
Nothing occurred that seemed important.

Synonymsfall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP.
It ----s that CLAUSE

Narrower (hyponym)anticipate, arise, backfire, backlash, bechance, bechance, befall, befall, betide, break, break, chance, coincide, come, come around, come off, come up, concur, contemporise, contemporize, develop, develop, fall, fall, give, go, go off, go over, happen, happen, intervene, materialise, materialize, operate, proceed, recoil, recrudesce, recur, repeat, result, roll around, shine, strike, supervene, synchronise, synchronize, transpire, turn out

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