English dictionary

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English noun: crouch

1. crouch (act) the act of bending low with the limbs close to the body

Broader (hypernym)bending

English verb: crouch

1. crouch (motion) bend one's back forward from the waist on down

SamplesHe crouched down.
She bowed before the Queen.
The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse.

Synonymsbend, bow, stoop

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)bend, flex

Narrower (hyponym)cower, huddle, squinch

Entailchange posture

2. crouch (contact) sit on one's heels

SamplesIn some cultures, the women give birth while squatting.
The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm.

ExamplesThe children crouch in the rocking chair, There crouch some children in the rocking chair

Synonymshunker, hunker down, scrunch, scrunch up, squat

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)sit, sit down

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