English dictionary

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English noun: sheet

1. sheet (object) any broad thin expanse or surface

SamplesA sheet of ice.

Broader (hypernym)expanse

2. sheet (communication) paper used for writing or printing

Synonymspiece of paper, sheet of paper

Broader (hypernym)paper

Narrower (hyponym)folio, foolscap, leaf, revenue stamp, signature, slip, slip of paper, stamp, style sheet, tear sheet, worksheet

3. sheet (artifact) bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used in pairs

Synonymsbed sheet

Broader (hypernym)bed linen

Narrower (hyponym)contour sheet, fitted sheet

4. sheet (shape) (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape

SamplesWe will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane.
Any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane.


Broader (hypernym)form, shape

Narrower (hyponym)Cartesian plane, facet plane, midline, midplane, orbital plane, picture plane, tangent plane

Domain categorymath, mathematics, maths

5. sheet (communication) newspaper with half-size pages

Synonymsrag, tabloid

Broader (hypernym)newspaper, paper

6. sheet (artifact) a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width

Synonymsflat solid

Broader (hypernym)artefact, artifact

Narrower (hyponym)blackboard, blank, board, chalkboard, film, laminate, membrane, panel, photographic plate, plastic film, plate, plate, plate glass, sheet glass, sheet metal, stencil

7. sheet (artifact) (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind

Synonymsmainsheet, shroud, tack, weather sheet

Broader (hypernym)line

Narrower (hyponym)futtock shroud

Part meronymship

Domain categorynavigation, sailing, seafaring

8. sheet (artifact) a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel

Synonymscanvas, canvass, sail

Broader (hypernym)piece of cloth, piece of material

Narrower (hyponym)balloon sail, crossjack, fore-and-aft sail, foresail, headsail, main-topsail, mainsail, mizzen course, press of canvas, press of sail, royal, save-all, skysail, square sail, topgallant, topgallant sail, topsail

Part holonymreef

Part meronymsailing ship, sailing vessel

English verb: sheet

1. sheet (weather) come down as if in sheets

SamplesThe rain was sheeting down during the monsoon.

Pattern of useIt is ----ing

Broader (hypernym)pelt, pour, rain buckets, rain cats and dogs, stream

2. sheet (contact) cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping

SamplesSheet the body.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)cover

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