English dictionary

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English noun: red cedar

1. red cedar (plant) large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States

Synonymscanoe cedar, Thuja plicata, western red cedar

Broader (hypernym)arborvitae

Member meronymgenus Thuja, Thuja

2. red cedar (plant) small juniper found east of Rocky Mountains having a conic crown, brown bark that peels in shreds, and small sharp needles

Synonymseastern red cedar, Juniperus virginiana, red juniper

Broader (hypernym)pencil cedar, pencil cedar tree

3. red cedar (plant) tall tree of the Pacific coast of North America having foliage like cypress and cinnamon-red bark

SynonymsCalocedrus decurrens, incense cedar, Libocedrus decurrens

Broader (hypernym)cedar, cedar tree

Member meronymCalocedrus, genus Calocedrus

4. red cedar (plant) fragrant reddish wood of any of various red cedar trees

Broader (hypernym)cedar, cedarwood

Narrower (hyponym)pencil cedar

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