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English noun: man of affairs

1. man of affairs (person) a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)


Broader (hypernym)bourgeois, businessperson

Narrower (hyponym)amalgamator, arb, arbitrager, arbitrageur, baron, big businessman, business leader, industrialist, king, magnate, mogul, oilman, operator, owner, power, proprietor, small businessman, suit, syndicator, top executive, transactor, tycoon

Instance hyponymAaron Montgomery Ward, Collis Potter Huntington, Cornell, David Sarnoff, E. H. Harriman, Edward Henry Harriman, Ezra Cornell, First Baron Marks of Broughton, Frank Winfield Woolworth, George Stephenson, Harriman, Henry Villard, Hill, Huntington, J. J. Hill, James Jerome Hill, John Wanamaker, Leland Stanford, Marks, Montgomery Ward, Rudolf Wurlitzer, Sarnoff, Simon Marks, Stanford, Stephenson, Villard, Wanamaker, Ward, Woolworth, Wurlitzer

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