English dictionary

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English noun: Islamic Republic of Iran

1. Islamic Republic of Iran (location) a theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was known as Persia until 1935; rich in oil

SynonymsIran, Persia

Instance hypernymAsian country, Asian nation

Part holonymAbadan, Aspadana, Bam, capital of Iran, Caspian, Caspian Sea, Daryacheh-ye Orumiyeh, Dasht-e-Kavir, Dasht-e-Lut, Demavend, Esfahan, Great Salt Desert, Iranian capital, Isfahan, Kavir Desert, Kurdistan, Lake Urmia, Lut Desert, Mashhad, Meshed, Orumiyeh, Persepolis, Qum, Rasht, Resht, Shiraz, Tabriz, Teheran, Tehran, Urmia, Urmia

Part meronymAsia, Gulf States, Middle East, Mideast, Near East

Member holonymIrani, Iranian, Persian

Member meronymOPEC, Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries

Domain region membersayatollah, MEK, MKO, Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization, People's Mujahidin of Iran, Usuli

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