English dictionary

Hint: Question mark (?) is a wildcard. Question mark substitutes one character.

English adjective: past

1. past earlier than the present time; no longer current

SamplesTime past.
His youth is past.
This past Thursday.
The past year.

Similarago, agone, ancient, bygone, bypast, chivalric, departed, early, erstwhile, foregone, former, former, former, gone, historic, historical, knightly, last, late, late, medieval, old, olden, one-time, onetime, other, other, prehistoric, prehistorical, previous, quondam, recent, sometime, then, ult, ultimo

See alsononcurrent, old, outgoing


Antonymsfuture, present

2. past of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office

SamplesA retiring member of the board.

Synonymspreceding, retiring



English noun: past

1. past (time) the time that has elapsed

SamplesForget the past.

Synonymspast times, yesteryear

Broader (hypernym)time

Narrower (hyponym)auld langsyne, bygone, good old days, history, langsyne, old, old times, time immemorial, time out of mind, water under the bridge, yesterday, yore

Antonymsfuture, futurity, time to come, hereafter

2. past (time) a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret)

SamplesReporters dug into the candidate's past.

Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Part meronymlife

3. past (communication) a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past

Synonymspast tense

Broader (hypernym)tense

Narrower (hyponym)preterit, preterite

English adverb: past

1. past so as to pass a given point

SamplesEvery hour a train goes past.


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