English dictionary

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English noun: superorder Acanthopterygii

1. superorder Acanthopterygii (animal) teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays


Broader (hypernym)animal order

Member holonymacanthopterygian, Berycomorphi, Discocephali, Heterosomata, order Berycomorphi, order Discocephali, order Heterosomata, order Pediculati, order Perciformes, order Percomorphi, order Plectognathi, order Pleuronectiformes, order Scleroparei, order Tetraodontiformes, order Zeomorphi, Pediculati, Perciformes, Percomorphi, Plectognathi, Scleroparei, Scorpaenoidea, spiny-finned fish, suborder Scorpaenoidea, Zeomorphi

Member meronymsubclass Teleostei, Teleostei

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