English dictionary

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English noun: expulsion

1. expulsion (act) the act of forcing out someone or something

SamplesThe ejection of troublemakers by the police.
The child's expulsion from school.

Synonymsejection, exclusion, riddance

Broader (hypernym)banishment, proscription

Narrower (hyponym)barring, blackball, defenestration, deportation, ostracism, ouster, ousting

2. expulsion (act) squeezing out by applying pressure

SamplesAn unexpected extrusion of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube.
The expulsion of pus from the pimple.


Broader (hypernym)squeeze, squeezing

3. expulsion (act) the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

Synonymsejection, forcing out, projection

Broader (hypernym)actuation, propulsion

Narrower (hyponym)belch, belching, belching, burp, burping, coughing up, disgorgement, emesis, eructation, expectoration, puking, regurgitation, spit, spitting, vomit, vomiting

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