English dictionary

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English noun: evacuation

1. evacuation (act) the act of removing the contents of something

Synonymsemptying, voidance

Broader (hypernym)remotion, removal

Narrower (hyponym)drain, drainage

2. evacuation (act) the act of evacuating; leaving a place in an orderly fashion; especially for protection

Broader (hypernym)withdrawal

Narrower (hyponym)medevac, medical evacuation, medivac

Instance hyponymDunkerque, Dunkirk

3. evacuation (process) the bodily process of discharging waste matter

Synonymselimination, excreting, excretion, voiding

Broader (hypernym)discharge, emission, expelling

Narrower (hyponym)defecation, incontinence, incontinency, laxation, micturition, shitting, urination

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