English dictionary

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English noun: Huxley

1. Huxley (person) English physiologist who, with Alan Hodgkin, discovered the role of potassium and sodium ions in the transmission of the nerve impulse (born in 1917)

SynonymsAndrew Fielding Huxley, Andrew Huxley

Instance hypernymphysiologist

2. Huxley (person) English writer; grandson of Thomas Huxley who is remembered mainly for his depiction of a scientifically controlled utopia (1894-1963)

SynonymsAldous Huxley, Aldous Leonard Huxley

Instance hypernymauthor, writer

3. Huxley (person) English biologist and a leading exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution (1825-1895)

SynonymsThomas Henry Huxley, Thomas Huxley

Instance hypernymbiologist, life scientist

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