English dictionary

Hint: Asterisk (*) is a wildcard. Asterisk substitutes zero or more characters.

English adjective: residual

1. residual relating to or indicating a remainder

SamplesResidual quantity.


English noun: residual

1. residual something left after other parts have been taken away

SamplesThere was no remainder.
He threw away the rest.
He took what he wanted and I got the balance.

Synonymsbalance, remainder, residue, residuum, rest

Broader (hypernym)component, component part, constituent, part, portion

Narrower (hyponym)leftover, remnant

2. residual (possession) (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing

SamplesHe could retire on his residuals.

Broader (hypernym)payment

Domain usageplural, plural form

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