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English verb: cleave

1. cleave (contact) separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument

SamplesCleave the bone.

Synonymsrive, split

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)tear

Narrower (hyponym)laminate, maul

Verb groupcleave

2. cleave (contact) make by cutting into

SamplesThe water is going to cleave a channel into the rock.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)create, make


Verb groupcleave, rive, split

3. cleave (contact) come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation

SamplesThe dress clings to her body.
The label stuck to the box.
The sushi rice grains cohere.

Synonymsadhere, cling, cohere, stick

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)adjoin, contact, meet, touch

Narrower (hyponym)agglutinate, conglutinate, mold


Verb groupadhere, bind, bond, hold fast, stick, stick, stick to

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