English dictionary

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English adjective: European

1. European of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe

SamplesEuropean Community.

English noun: European

1. European (person) a native or inhabitant of Europe

Broader (hypernym)denizen, dweller, habitant, indweller, inhabitant

Narrower (hyponym)Albanian, Andorran, Angle, Austrian, Balkan, Basque, Belgian, Belorussian, Bohemian, Brit, Britisher, Briton, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Cambrian, Celt, Cretan, Cymry, Cyprian, Cypriot, Cypriote, Czech, Czech, Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian, Dalmatian, Dane, Dutchman, Eurafrican, Eurasian, Finn, Frank, French person, Frenchman, Frenchwoman, German, Gibraltarian, Grecian, Greek, Hellene, Hollander, Hungarian, Iberian, Icelander, Irelander, Irish person, Italian, Jugoslav, Jugoslavian, Jute, Kelt, Langobard, Lapp, Lapplander, Latvian, Liechtensteiner, Lithuanian, Lombard, Luxembourger, Luxemburger, Macedonian, Magyar, Maltese, Monacan, Monegasque, Netherlander, Norse, Norse, Norseman, Northman, Norwegian, Pole, Portuguese, Roman, Romanian, Rumanian, Saame, Saami, sahib, Same, Sami, San Marinese, Saxon, Scandinavian, Scot, Scotchman, Scotsman, Slovak, Slovene, Slovenian, Spaniard, Swede, Teuton, Thracian, Tyrolean, Ukranian, Welsh, Welshman, White Russian, Yugoslav, Yugoslavian

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