English dictionary

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English noun: pacemaker

1. pacemaker (cognition) a leading instance in its field

SamplesThe new policy will be a pacesetter in community relations.


Broader (hypernym)example, exemplar, good example, model

2. pacemaker (body) a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat

Synonymscardiac pacemaker, SA node, sinoatrial node

Broader (hypernym)cardiac muscle, heart muscle

3. pacemaker (artifact) an implanted electronic device that takes over the function of the natural cardiac pacemaker

Synonymsartificial pacemaker

Broader (hypernym)electronic device

4. pacemaker (animal) a horse used to set the pace in racing

Synonymspacer, pacesetter

Broader (hypernym)bangtail, race horse, racehorse

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