English dictionary

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English noun: trash

1. trash (substance) worthless material that is to be disposed of

Synonymsrubbish, scrap

Broader (hypernym)waste, waste material, waste matter, waste product

Narrower (hyponym)debris, detritus, dust, junk, litter, rubble, scrap metal

2. trash (group) worthless people


Broader (hypernym)rabble, ragtag, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff

3. trash (communication) nonsensical talk or writing

Synonymsapplesauce, codswallop, folderol, rubbish, tripe, trumpery, wish-wash

Broader (hypernym)drivel, garbage

Domain usageargot, cant, jargon, lingo, patois, slang, vernacular

4. trash (artifact) an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

Synonymschalk, chicken feed, crank, deoxyephedrine, glass, ice, meth, methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, Methedrine, shabu

Broader (hypernym)amphetamine, controlled substance, pep pill, speed, upper

English verb: trash

1. trash (possession) dispose of (something useless or old)

SamplesTrash these old chairs.
Junk an old car.
Scrap your old computer.

Synonymsjunk, scrap

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out

2. trash (communication) express a totally negative opinion of

SamplesThe critics panned the performance.

ExamplesSam and Sue trash the movie

Synonymspan, tear apart

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)belittle, disparage, pick at

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