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English adjective: ineffectual

1. ineffectual not producing an intended effect

SamplesAn ineffective teacher.
Ineffective legislation.

Synonymsineffective, uneffective

Similartoothless, unproductive

See alsoidle, inefficacious, inefficient, powerless, useless

Attributeeffectiveness, effectivity, effectuality, effectualness

Antonymseffective, effectual, efficacious

2. ineffectual producing no result or effect

SamplesA futile effort.
The therapy was ineffectual.
An otiose undertaking.
An unavailing attempt.

Synonymsfutile, otiose, unavailing


Antonymsuseful, utile

3. ineffectual lacking in power or forcefulness

SamplesAn ineffectual ruler.
Like an unable phoenix in hot ashes.

Synonymsineffective, unable


Antonymspotent, stiff, strong

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