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English noun: deceit

1. deceit (attribute) the quality of being fraudulent


Broader (hypernym)dishonesty

2. deceit (communication) a misleading falsehood

Synonymsdeception, misrepresentation

Broader (hypernym)falsehood, falsity, untruth

Narrower (hyponym)bill of goods, blind, dissembling, duplicity, equivocation, evasion, exaggeration, facade, feigning, fraudulence, half-truth, hanky panky, hocus-pocus, humbug, jiggery-pokery, magnification, overstatement, pretence, pretense, skulduggery, skullduggery, slickness, snake oil, snow job, subterfuge, trickery, window dressing

3. deceit (act) the act of deceiving

Synonymsdeception, dissembling, dissimulation

Broader (hypernym)falsification, misrepresentation

Narrower (hyponym)bluff, cheat, cheating, chicane, chicanery, delusion, double-dealing, duplicity, fakery, feigning, four flush, guile, head game, illusion, impersonation, imposture, indirection, obscurantism, pretence, pretending, pretense, shenanigan, simulation, take-in, trickery, wile

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