English dictionary

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English noun: text

1. text (communication) the words of something written

SamplesThere were more than a thousand words of text.
They handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech.
He wants to reconstruct the original text.

Synonymstextual matter

Broader (hypernym)matter

Narrower (hyponym)column, cookie, copy, draft, draft copy, electronic text, installment, instalment, language, letter, line, lipogram, lyric, missive, stanza, words, written matter

Part holonymbook, chapter, foreword, paragraph, passage, preface, prolusion, word order

Part meronympublication

2. text (communication) a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon

SamplesThe preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon.

Broader (hypernym)passage

Part meronymBible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Word, Word of God

3. text (communication) a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

SamplesHis economics textbook is in its tenth edition.
The professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy.

Synonymsschool text, schoolbook, text edition, textbook

Broader (hypernym)book

Narrower (hyponym)crammer, introduction, primer, reader

Antonymstrade book, trade edition

4. text (communication) the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)

SamplesPictures made the text easier to understand.

Broader (hypernym)matter

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