English dictionary

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English noun: week

1. week (time) any period of seven consecutive days

SamplesIt rained for a week.


Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Narrower (hyponym)Holy Week, Passion Week, rag, rag week, shibah, shiva, shivah, week from Monday

Part holonymcalendar day, civil day, day of the week, weekend

2. week (time) hours or days of work in a calendar week

SamplesThey worked a 40-hour week.


Broader (hypernym)work time

Part meronymcalendar week, week

3. week (time) a period of seven consecutive days starting on Sunday

Synonymscalendar week

Broader (hypernym)period, period of time, time period

Part holonymmidweek, week, workweek

Part meronymcalendar month, month

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