English dictionary

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English noun: alphabetic character

1. alphabetic character (communication) the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech

SamplesHis grandmother taught him his letters.

Synonymsletter, letter of the alphabet

Broader (hypernym)character, grapheme, graphic symbol

Narrower (hyponym)A, aleph, alpha, ascender, ayin, B, beta, beth, block capital, block letter, C, chi, consonant, D, daleth, delta, descender, digram, digraph, double-u, E, epsilon, eta, ex, ezed, F, G, gamma, gimel, H, he, heth, I, initial, iota, izzard, J, K, kaph, kappa, khi, L, lambda, lamedh, M, mem, mu, N, nu, nun, O, omega, omicron, P, pe, phi, pi, polyphone, polyphonic letter, psi, Q, qoph, R, resh, rho, S, sadhe, samekh, shin, sigma, sin, T, tau, taw, teth, theta, U, upsilon, V, vowel, W, waw, wye, X, xi, Y, yodh, Z, zayin, zed, zee, zeta

Part meronymspelling

Member meronymalphabet

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