English dictionary

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English noun: wretchedness

1. wretchedness (state) a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune

SamplesThe misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable.

Synonymsmiserableness, misery

Broader (hypernym)ill-being

Narrower (hyponym)concentration camp, living death, suffering, woe

2. wretchedness (state) the character of being uncomfortable and unpleasant

SamplesThe wretchedness for which these prisons became known.
The grey wretchedness of the rain.

Broader (hypernym)discomfort, uncomfortableness

3. wretchedness (attribute) the quality of being poor and inferior and sorry

SamplesHe has compiled a record second to none in its wretchedness.

Broader (hypernym)inferiority, low quality

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