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English noun: important person

1. important person (person) a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events

Synonymsinfluential person, personage

Broader (hypernym)adult, grownup

Narrower (hyponym)behemoth, big cheese, big deal, big enchilada, big fish, big gun, big shot, big wheel, bigwig, celebrity, colossus, dignitary, elder statesman, eminence grise, Excellency, famous person, figure, fixer, giant, head honcho, heavy hitter, heavyweight, hierarch, high muckamuck, high-muck-a-muck, high-up, influence peddler, kingmaker, kingpin, magnifico, name, nepotist, panjandrum, policy maker, pooh-bah, power broker, powerbroker, public figure, sacred cow, sirdar, socialite, sun, titan, top banana, very important person, VIP, worthy

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