Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Jokertegn må gerne anvendes flere gange i hver søgning.

Engelsk navneord: crusader

1. crusader (om person) a disputant who advocates reform

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)meliorist, reformer, reformist, social reformer

Mindre specifikke termercontroversialist, disputant, eristic

Mere specifikke termerabolitionist, activist, birth-control campaigner, birth-control reformer, Chartist, civil rights activist, civil rights leader, civil rights worker, conservationist, demonstrator, dry, emancipationist, environmentalist, feminist, flower child, freedom fighter, hippie, hippy, hipster, insurgent, insurrectionist, libber, militant, non-resistant, passive resister, preservationist, prohibitionist, protester, rebel, Utopian, women's liberationist, women's rightist

Eksempler på forekomster af mere specifikke termerAnthony Comstock, Comstock, Dix, Dorothea Dix, Dorothea Lynde Dix, Francis Everett Townsend, Girolamo Savonarola, Hus, Huss, Jan Hus, John Huss, John Wilkes, Owen, Robert Owen, Savonarola, Townsend, Wilkes

2. Crusader (om person) a warrior who engages in a holy war

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe Crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Mindre specifikke termerwarrior

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