Engelsk navneord: Taoism |
1. | Taoism (om gruppe) a Chinese sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-tzu but incorporating pantheism and sorcery in addition to Taoism |
| Mindre specifikke termer | religious order, religious sect, sect |
| Tilhører disse specifikke termer | Tao, Taoist |
2. | Taoism (om gruppe) religion adhering to the teaching of Lao-tzu |
| Mindre specifikke termer | faith, organized religion, religion |
| Tilhører disse specifikke termer | Tao, Taoist |
| Overordnet emneområde | Daoism, Taoism |
3. | Taoism (om erkendelse) popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tzu but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic |
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | Hsuan Chiao |
| Mindre specifikke termer | faith, religion, religious belief |
4. | Taoism (om erkendelse) philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events |
| Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | Daoism |
| Mindre specifikke termer | philosophical doctrine, philosophical theory |
| Omfatter disse specifikke termer | Tao |
| Indenfor samme emneområde | Tao, Taoism |