Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: scrutiny

1. scrutiny (om handling) the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)examination

Mindre specifikke termerinvestigating, investigation

Mere specifikke termeraudit, autopsy, bank examination, checkup, comparing, comparison, endoscopy, fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb, follow-up, followup, going-over, gonioscopy, health check, inspection, keratoscopy, look-over, medical, medical checkup, medical exam, medical examination, motion study, necropsy, once-over, ophthalmoscopy, palpation, PM, post-mortem, post-mortem examination, postmortem, postmortem examination, reexamination, review, review, rhinoscopy, scan, search, study, survey, tactual exploration, testing, time and motion study, time study, time-and-motion study, time-motion study, work study

2. scrutiny (om handling) a prolonged intense look

Mindre specifikke termerlook, looking, looking at

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