Engelsk ordbog

Info: Dette websted er baseret på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk navneord: tissue layer

1. tissue layer (i anatomi) a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)membrane

Mindre specifikke termeranimal tissue

Mere specifikke termeradventitia, axolemma, basilar membrane, Bowman's capsule, capsula glomeruli, chorioallantoic membrane, chorioallantois, choroid, choroid coat, ciliary body, cornea, diaphragm, eardrum, endocranium, endosteum, ependyma, fertilization membrane, fetal membrane, glomerular capsule, hyaloid, hyaloid membrane, intima, iris, lamella, meninges, meninx, midriff, mucosa, mucous membrane, myringa, periosteum, perithelium, retina, sarcolemma, semipermeable membrane, serosa, serous membrane, synovial membrane, synovium, trophoblast, tunic, tunica, tympanic membrane, tympanum, web

Vedrærer disse specifikke termerphospholipid

Baseret på WordNet 3.0 copyright © Princeton University.
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